Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cold and a Snowy January

Although it's cozy inside, the snowy January weather has come.

Last Friday's commute was an absolute nightmare. The snow started at about 9:00 a.m., and a lot of people left work early. The snow plows didn't have a chance to get started before the roads filled up with people trying to get home before the normal rush hour. What happened is the rush hour started at about 1:00 p.m., instead of 4:00 p.m.

I am usually o.k. with my commute because I am a teacher, and I am on the road by 3:00. I know I'm lucky. Even though I was on the road by 3:00, I didn't beat the rush. Not this time. Not at all. I was right in the middle of the rush hour. I was driving through snow-covered streets that had not been plowed, if you can call it driving. It was more like crawling.

By the time I got to my town, my windshield wipers had frozen, and I could barely see. I was so thankful when I got to my subdivision, but the snow was so high on the entry street, I said prayers that I would make it three more blocks to my house. My home never looked so good when I finally saw it. My thirty-five minute commute had turned into a just under two-hour nightmare.

As soon as I greeted my cats, I started a fire in the fireplace, cuddled up under my great aunt's antique quilt, and relaxed with a cup of tea. Today, we have about eight inches of snow drifted all over the yard. We are expecting some more snow tomorrow. I don't think we'll get what we had Friday, but it will just add to the snow in the yard.

I will try to take some pictures tomorow of my winter snow, which I actually love. I'm happy that we got this snow because it is beautiful and refreshing. On Friday night, I turned on my outside lights, and the snow glittered like diamonds in the light. I was so thankful I was home safely. It is lovely to be able to appreciate the beauty of nature when you're safe.

On the other hand, I always miss the best photo opportunities.Yesterday I saw a large coyote walking across the frozen ice behind my yard. A gorgeous male cardinal was in a tree in my yard. By the time I got my camera, the coyote had moved on, and so had the cardinal. Lesson to be learned. Keep my camera with me. My picture today is of three cold doves who are trying to keep warm under my pear tree. This was taken a few days before our Friday snow, when we just had a few inches of snow. Keep warm and enjoy your January. Thank you for reading my post.

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Stitching Project of 2012

This will be my first stitching project 0f 2012. I have joined Becky's stitching challenge of a large sampler from her wonderful blog: Becky's Stitching Bee Here are some pictures of my project. I can't wait to get started. I think that joining challenges often create that sense of purpose that many of us need. I often fall behind in my stitching because of obligations to my job, but one of my New Year's Resolutions (and I make few) is to take time for creativity outside of my job. Here's to a beautiful stitching experience with Red Birds.

I chose this project from Just Cross Stitch Magazine November/December 2011 issue. It is a design by Marie Barber called Red Birds. I love this design. I think the colors of the birds and the flowers are gorgeous.

I am stitching this project on Nightingale fabric by Birds of a Feather. I have had this fabric for many years. Red Birds seems like a perfect project to use this beautiful fabric for. I am using the called-for DMC threads. I think DMC Threads are beautiful and have a lustrious sheen to them. Sometimes in the stiching world of overdyeds and silks, I think that the DMC Threads are often overlooked. It's great also that we have twelve months to complete this project. That also gives me time to work on my other five projects that I have to complete with some stitching friends. Those are listed on my December 28 post.

Well, the first snowfall of the season is here. Just a hint of snow on the yards, and the sun is out now. It's very cold, and I look forward to going outside. There's something refreshing about the cold and the snow.

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year's Day from. . .

my beautiful cats.

Dasher is very sleepy.

Jessie Rose and Snowball are sleeping together. You can barely see Snowball's face, only his ear.